Pod koniec marca 2009 roku w Muzeum Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Geodezyjnego miała miejsce ważna wystawa varsavianistyczna pt. „Hoppe, Lindley, WPG, kartografia warszawska 1641-2009”. Wystawę zorganizowało Warszawskie Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjne Spółka Akcyjna (WPG SA) przy współpracy Archiwum Państwowego m.st. Warszawy (APW). Kustoszem wystawy był Paweł Weszpiński, który opiekuje się kartografią a w szczególności tzw. planami Lindleyowskimi w APW.
Podtytuł: „Wystawa w 150. rocznicę urodzin Josepha Lindleya”, wiąże się z najmłodszym z Lindleyów, Wystawa przypomni raz jeszcze, że wodociągi i kanalizację, a także nowoczesny pomiar Warszawy zawdzięczamy rodzinnej firmie angielskich inżynierów cywilnych, ojca Williama Lindleya (1808-1900), synów Sir Williama Heerleina Lindleya (1853-1917), Roberta Searlsa (1854 – 1925) i Josepha (1859-1906).
Fot. P. Weszpiński (pierwszy od prawej)
"Hoppe, Lindley, WPG, kartografia warszawska 1641-2009, Muzeum Warszawskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Geodezyjnego, Warszawa marzec-maj 2009. Kustosz wystawy: Paweł Weszpiński. Wstęp do katalogu: Ryszard Żelichowski.
First chapter of the Polish and Russian edition
The authors of the work from 1911 do not mention the date of July 3, 1886, which in the interwar period gave rise to the celebrations that continue to this day. The collective work published by the engineer Szenfeld is the publication on the 30th anniversary of the approval of the projects [April 21, 1881] and the signing of the agreement with the Lindleys [July 23, 1881].
It is worth adding here that the associates of W.H. Lindley the beginning of the water supply works in Warsaw connected with 1882 and planned the first 25th anniversary celebrations in 1907. Probably for the same reasons, on July 4, 1907, at the Filter Station, next to the water tower, a monument (bust) of Socrates Starynkiewicz, carved by Jan Woydyga, was unveiled. However, these celebrations took place two years later.
For more details see: R. Żelichowski, Lindleyowie. Dzieje inżynierskiej rodu, Biblioteka Lindleiana, t. II, Warszawa 2019, s. 278-284.
After more than a half century, in August 2021, a new biography of William Lindley appeared on the German publishing market. His author is a Hamburger historian Ortwin Pelc and the title of his book is William Lindley (1808-1900). Ingenieur und Stadtplaner. Eine biographie (William Lindley (1808-1900). Engineer and urbanist. Biography). It is a 26th volume from the series "Hamburgische Lebensbilder" issued by "Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte" and published by Wallenstein Verlag (Göttingen 2021).
The book, with a handy
format 21.5 x 12.5 cm (192 pages), consists of 14 chapters, from which the vast
majority concerns Lindley's engineering achievements in the free Hanseatic city
of Hamburg.
This is a valuable and important book. Since the first publication by Gustav H. Leo, written in 1936, published sixty-three years later (Gustav H. Leo, William Lindley. Ein Pionier der Technischen Hygiene, Hamburg 1969) the knowledge of historians on William Lindley and his families increased significantly. A few new publications in Polish and German appeared, many occasional conferences devoted to W. Lindley in Poland and Germany took place.
Ortwin Pelc has gathered all new information on the achievements of this great English engineer (in Hamburg, also excellent urbanist) and put it in a nice literary form. His book is a highly recommend position in the library of every admirer of William Lindley's work, as well as people interested in the history of urban infrastructure in the 19th-century Europe.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Lindley Society "Societas Lindleiana" in 2019, long awaited book The Lindleys History of an engineering family, was published. The book, in comparison with the first edition in 2002, is much extended and covers new cities like Dusseldorf, Samara and Moscow. The Author is Prof. Dr Ryszard Żelichowski, Chairman of our Society.
The book was published in Polish in the new “Societas Lindleiana” Library
series and consists of three volumes. The first
volume concerns the origin of the family and beginning of works of the Lindley family in
Great Britain and the German Empire, the second volume is focused on the Russian Empire (including Warsaw), and
volume III covers the history of the Lindley family and their descendants up to the 21st century. Their full
bibliographic description of the books with tables of contents can be
found at the following links:
The "Lindley Hotel" in Frankfurt on Main, designed for the network
Lindenberg GmbH by a group of architects gathered around prof. Bernhard Franken,
is still under construction. The opening of this new four-star hotel is
scheduled for 2018.
The 4,340 sq. m hotel has 100 guest rooms. According to the designers, this is not a classic hotel concept but a "guest community", which will not only be focused on renting rooms, but also on sharing the common space.
The location of the hotel at the Lindley Street in Frankfurt Ostend has given the owners of the hotel network an idea for the excellent marketing operation. They invited Arthur Becker, a well-known author of the Polish origin who has been living in Germany for four decades, to write a hotel-roman called "The Immortal Mr. Lindley". The official premiere of the book took place in September 2018.
Artur Becker: Der unsterbliche Mr. Lindley: Ein Hotelroman, Verlag weissbooks 2018, Preis: 24,-- Euro
Artur Becker
tells the story about the meeting of a
certain family at the Hotel Lindley. One of their members, impressed by the historical
achievements of William Lindley, a designer and builder of waterworks in
Frankfurt in the 1860s, embarks on the drug journey in time and meets the English engineer…
"The Immortal Mr. Lindley" is a melancholic, historically based story
that says a lot about Frankfurt without being a guide-book. While reading the
book one realizes that we all inevitably become “a commodity" …
Address of the hotel:
Hotel Lindley Lindenberg, Lindleystraße 17 -19, 60314 Frankfurt am Main - Ostend
William Heerlein Lindley (1853-1917), 100 years anniversary
The Competition Jury of the Polish Society of Book Publishers nominated album William Heerlein Lindley. Warsaw Plan of 1912, written and designed by prof. Ryszard Żelichowski and Dr. Pawel E. Weszpiński for the Most Beautiful Book of the 2016 Year Award.
album was published by the Historical Museum of the City of Warsaw.
Unfortunately, in this category the jury awarded another beautiful book. Warsaw
Museum wan the price in this category last year. We still enjoy the nomination,
which is a proof of recognition of the Jury for our work, and for the artistry
of the Museum staff team. We want to thank and congratulate our colleagues for
the Museum!
The Jury verdict was announced during the 8th Warsaw Book Fair on May 18, 2017 at the National Stadium.
Cover of the two volumes
View of the content of the volume 1
The front cover of the album